Sunday, April 1, 2007

Daylight Savings Time Revisited

Did you all remember that today was the day that we were supposed to have advanced our clocks for daylight savings time? Yep. Today was the day. Those of you who know me, know that I was having a hard time figuring out if I was going to get more sleep or less sleep a few weeks ago when we advanced our clocks an hour. It creates a state of confusion for me for about 12 hours, a few hours before I make the change and a few hours after wondering if I did it right...

So. Why am I bringing it up again? Well its like this. I was having a hard time getting up this morning to get around for church. I had exhausted the snooze option to the point I was going to have to hustle to get there on time. I finally got up and stumbled into the bathroom, then out to the kitchen to take that lovely blood pressure pill....and I looked at the clock and it was off an hour. WTF??? I looked at another clock and it too was off an hour. So was my cell phone. So was the tv. Hmmmm. Guess what? I have one of those fancy dancy newfangled alarm clocks that changes the time all by itself when it is supposed to. And it did. Because today is the day that we WERE supposed to change the time. Ah well, I am laughing about it now because I wound up with an extra hour to fiddle around and really make myself late for church.

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