Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Our life as we live it, LIVE and in FULL COLOR

Where to begin? I fell back asleep this morning after the two older kids left for school. Still not feeling very well from this bug I have....so....

I awoke from a deep sleep to what was obviously a dream of my daughter screaming my name for help......

I don't know what I was dreaming, but I sent a text to her right away asking if she was ok. She responded she was fine and in class and why was I asking.... so, well, nevermind, on with the day.

I decided I am not getting any better from this "sinus infection" and I don't want to be sick over the holiday, plus I have a ton of things to do in the next week, so I called the doctor and was able to get an early afternoon appointment. It turns out I am having an allergic reaction to amoxicillin, so new scripts in hand, off to the pharmacy I go.

While at the pharmacy, I get a call from one of the principals at the high school. It seems my daughter's boyfriend has taken her vehicle and wrecked it. You have got to be kidding me. I threatened this kid a little over two months ago if I ever caught him driving that vehicle again I would report it as stolen and press charges against him, it is in my name.

I get out of the pharmacy, head to the scene of the accident, and call the police on my way and tell them its stolen he has not been authorized to drive the vehicle. Well wouldn't you know he, he wrecked in front of the shop of my ex-husband's best friend, and well of course, my ex was already there when I got there..... Little Tonka Truck was laying in a ditch on its side in water. The fool boyfriend was standing there crying....and apologizing. Too late for apologies with me, I had already told him was never to drive it...

I talked to the officers and told them he knew he was not to drive it and it was stolen and I wanted to press charges. Now....get this.....my ex, was kind and supportive of me through this and helpful as far as getting the vehicle out and working towards getting it fixed. He advised me to not let them tow it, just to leave it at his friends shop and we could see what to do from there...

I needed to go to the high school and pick up my daughter and take her to the police station and my ex told me to go ahead and he would handle the vehicle for me. I thanked him very much. He also kept me from hurting the boyfriend, you cannot imagine how mad I was...

At the police station it was determined the scoundrel had implied permission from my daughter, so it was not auto theft, however, my statement indicating a prior discussion where this kid knew he was not to ever drive this vehicle, may carry a bit of weight in the long run, it appears there are several other issues going on with this kid.....

After our statements were taken and my daughter got a bit of a lecture from a concerned police officer (who I am very thankful to for taking the time to talk to her), we were out the door. I talked to my ex husband, he indicated the damage doesn't appear to be too bad, some water damage, perhaps the rocker panel on the passenger side and it wouldn't start, probably because of water in the engine, maybe tomorrow we can assess the damage a little more and maybe it won't be so bad. My ex is going to call a guy to work on it, and seems to want to be involved in this situation. I thanked him again.

This evening my daughter texted her dad and thanked him for all of his help. His response, "it's what dad's do, I love you." Maybe, just maybe, this is the beginning of some healing in our family.

But I am still mad at the boyfriend.

OH and little Tonka, if it could have just held tight to the road for two more days.....it would have made it to one whole year since the last wreck.


Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...

Well, that sucks but maybe you can kill two bird with one stone? Get rid of boyfriend and reconnect with dad? I don't know is that too much wishful thinking?

Bob G. said...

Daughter's "boyfriends"...you can't really live with them...and you can't shoot 'em either.

He ought to be glad it wasn't me, or that boyfriend would be making statements from an hospital bed.

"Yeah, officer..he...uh, fell down ...a lot...tried to help him up several times...clumsy kid I suppose".

Works for me.

Hope all works out in the best interest of you and your daughter.

You certainly don't need this.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap, every time I intermittently get around to checking in on you and yours, it's another dilemma!!

I'm heartened to hear your ex was genial, and I hope your daughters boyfriend moves on...You certainly have enough "drama" in your life without him & his actions.

God Bless ya and Merry Christmas!!