Friday, August 29, 2008

I am pleased as punch!

This morning I could have cared less about the upcoming presidential election. Ok. That statement is not quite true. But I have to say my interest was not where it should have been. I knew I would vote Republican this fall, but it wasn't necessarily because I was thrilled with the selection, I just saw it as the lesser of two evils. Very sad indeed.
Then I hopped online for my news update in between reports that I was working on and saw a refreshing news item stating that Sarah Palin had been selected to fill the spot of VP should McCain win. (I am a girl, I will be totally honest here, the picture of her and the caption that she is a mother of 5 with the youngest child being born with down syndrome won my vote instantly.)
I know AWB would rake me over the coals for my reasoning and thinking process, but I am laying it out here openly and honestly because I believe others will be swayed the same way I am. Not only did she instantly win my vote for McCain, I found a renewed hope in the future for this country.
Deep down, I believe a woman can do a hell of lot of good for our country. I didn't believe Hillary was the one. I felt she let a lot of women down simply by not standing up for herself in her own marriage and letting Bill make a fool of her. She could have shown women (and men) everywhere just how strong and independent she is, but she didn't, she stood by and let America point their fingers. Nuff said about her.
I have been reading up on Sarah this evening, and I am just tickled pink that she got this nod. I believe it could very well be a stepping stone on the road for her to becoming not only the first female vice president but possibly even our future president. She appears to be a woman of integrity and values with family values being the core.
Women look at things differently, and yes we look at things emotionally. But who is to say that is wrong? I think its what our country needs most. I have read back over this and I see key words that I have used the most in this post are "feel" and "believe". Yes indeed, my opinion is based on emotions, this will probably be a scary road for the menfolk to travel, but the time has come!

1 comment:

John B. Kalb said...

As a male, I am also "pleased as punch" with MaCain's choice - Sarah sure is going to make it easier to vote for her and John in November! She sounds, and acts, like a true conservative - quoting her, " Washington, thanks but we don't need your money to build a bridge to nowhere in spite of what our congressman planned - If we need a bridge, we will pay for it ourselves". We sure need more with that attitude in DC! As compared with Mark, "if I don't get it for who I want to get it, someone else will just get it", Souder.