Monday, August 4, 2008


Double Edged Sword.....

the proverbial "Catch-22" where one is damned if one does, and one is damned if one doesn't.

That is how my day went. I have a situation in which my child's safety and over all well being has been compromised while in the care of his father. In the midst of the situation, I could not go get him and bring him home to safety, because I would have been guilty of kidnapping. If I stood by and did nothing then I was guilty of child neglect. I chose the only resource I felt that I had given the circumstances and called the police to do a child welfare check. My concern was validated, even though at the time the police investigated the incident was under control and he was left in the care of my ex-husband until Sunday evening. This took place on Friday evening.

I had to ponder the entire situation over the course of the weekend and anxiously await the return of my boys on Sunday evening. I was a hysterical mess an hour before they returned. I regrouped and pulled myself together and was oh so relieved to see their smiling faces on Sunday evening.

Then we had a family meeting and discussed the events as they had transpired. I explained my actions were out of concern for their well-being. The evening actually went well with everyone understanding the seriousness of the situation and why I handled it the way I did.

Then today....dealing with the aftermath and trying to figure out how to get everything under control. I went to the sheriff department and got a report of the incident. I took it to my attorney and got an appointment with her for later in the morning. I went to the police department and gathered more reports and information. I returned to my attorney's office and was advised to file a motion for restricted visitation. I was also advised to contact child protective services and file a report there. (All before noon!) I did all of this.

I have to wait for my motion to make it to the judge and get a court date. comes the catch 22 or double-edged sword....

It will be time for my kids to visit their dad again before the judge will see us. Legally, I have to uphold the visitation law and allow them to go. If I do this, I will negate the motion I am filing for restricted visitation and then my motion will have no merit. If I keep the boys from going, I am in contempt of court.

You gotta love the law of the land.

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