Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh I think I am going to regret this decision...

All day long I have been clicking on the National Weather Service website and checking the weather report and thinking, yeah, yeah, yeah, I will believe it when I see it.

Most of the evening I kept wondering if maybe I should run into town to the store and pick up a few more items. The thought of three kids in a house for a day or two with limited snacks kinda scares me. But for whatever reason I decided the extra milk and fruit punch I have in the garage will be ok, we have several frozen pizzas a couple of packages of hamburger, some chicken breasts and plenty of other things to make a decent meal or two or three... but man o man there sure aren't very many oreos left.... not much ice cream....hmmm I do have a stash of reese cups.... we can make popcorn, everyone loves popcorn......yes I am sure all will be just fine.

But then I looked outside and the snow started on time, just as predicted. What if they are right this time? Oh God, what if we have a snow day or two even, me, three kids, three cats and a puppy and I still have to work and am behind....omg....can I do this? Will I survive?

1 comment:

Katie@ThisCrazyLife said...

See, that's why I ran into the grocery store after I picked Reagan up from school yesterday! Can you believe they didn't cancel school today though? I was shocked. I really didn't want to load everyone up and take Reagan in at 12:30.