Monday, February 5, 2007

Just for the Record... Hats Off to Dove!

Dove has an ongoing ad campaign that showcases beautiful women. Yeah ok. So what is so great about that? Dove recognizes the beauty of all women, inner and outer. They have dared to step out of the norm. They have dared to showcase women of all shapes and sizes and all ages. It is a beautiful campaign. Yesterday they revealed their newest model, age 64, in a fully nude ad in Times Square!

Oprah is doing a show today about this campaign and showcasing women of all shapes, sizes, color and age and they are all beautiful. It is the direction and the mindset we all need to take on. The glitz and glamour of Hollywood has messed of the minds of many young women making them believe if they do not fit the beautiful mold, they are not beautiful. How sad that is to see the confidence of young women shaken and destroyed by such stereotyping.

Hopefully, the stage is being set and we will break out of this stupid mindset and learn to appreciate all people for who they are and their own individual inner and outer beauty!

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