Friday, June 15, 2007


Kids and cell phones! And Ring Tones. Grrrrr.

My 16 year old is driving me crazy. Oh yeah, and text messages too! The phone rings all of the time. And she has special ringtones programmed in for each person that calls. Most of them are current hippy hoppy hits.

The problem is, she likes the songs. So, when someone calls, she has to stop what she is doing and sing and dance to that song. Sometimes she goes on too long with this and has to call the person back because she missed the call.

I know, I know, shame on me for letting her have the dang thing, but it is the best way to keep track of her. And she babysits two kids through the week and they go to the beach and for bike rides, etc. I want her to be able to call for help if she needs to do so. Remember the days when we all survived without cell phones?

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