Thursday, December 14, 2006

Some days it pays to be a mom

Not to brag, but following is an essay written by my daughter.

To be a hero there are many traits needed. I am not talking about super-hero traits either. To be someone’s hero you need certain personality traits. Some of the traits include being trustworthy, honest, respectful, responsible and loving. There is one person that I look up to the most with all of these traits. This person is my mother.

She shows all of these traits everyday. My mom and I have gotten really close because of our past. She shows the trait trustworthy by keeping what I tell her between me and her. I have always been able to talk to my mom about any problems and she has always backed me up 100%. She has never once turned on me.

Another trait is honesty. She has this trait. She has always been honest and straight up with me. She only lies to me when it is to protect me and when it’s for my own good. It has never been bad lies though and I trust her no matter what.

The next trait that she shows very well is respect. My mom is very respectful of other people. Even though she might not agree with what you do she will respect you. She is not one to judge before knowing. My mom has always respected me for my choices. She might not agree with them and she will always get her two cents in but she won’t ever judge me for them. She respects you no matter ho you are or where you come from

Another trait is responsibility. My mom is very responsible. With three kids she kind of has to. She has always looked out for my two brother and I and she intends to for as long as possible. In many ways she is responsible.

Last and not least the trait she shows the most is love. My mother loves my brothers and I no matter what we do. She has always found a way to forgive us no matter what mistakes we have made. She loves us with everything that she has. We are her number one priority in her life and nothing is going to change that. My mom is my best friend. She has so many good things about her that makes her my hero.


AWB said...

That was very sweet and touching. Sometimes being a parent can be challenging and at times even arduous. This is the payback you get for being a great Mom!

one4JC said...

Hope you don't mind but I linked you from mine...

JR - A Green Eyed Gurl.... said...

Thank you Dan ;)

One, why would I mind? I will get my links updated soon!