Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I won't lie....

I won't lie, I am very disappointed in the election results. I did not expect to get so emotional. I fear what is in the future for our country. However, I am not a sore loser, just a sad one at this point, but I will stand behind our president and believe in his decisions, just as I did all other presidents before him.

The people have voted and the decision is made, so now its onward and upward and let's hope for the best for everyone.


Tim Zank said...

It's a clear enough victory that it's obvious the country wanted a "change" I guess. My 2 biggest fears are 1: complacency (we're all busy patting each other on the back for being progressive world friendly nice guys)while someone bombs the shit out of us.

2: The amount of giveaway & bailout programs currently in play (and proposed) will mean economic disaster and unless someone puts the brakes on the money train our taxes are gonna skyrocket.

JR - A Green Eyed Gurl.... said...

You know as I watched our state turn blue...I noticed it was Gary, and the other counties in that corner close to Chicago and all of the university towns that turned us blue. I expected it in that upper left corner and I feared it coming from the college kids.

I just knew they all think it sounds great, unfortunately, they are young, they have not "been around the block yet" and they are not "jaded" by government. They are staring at their whole future ahead of them, they are in college with the promise of a wonderful career and life ahead of them.

Reality is going to bite them in the butt when they find those jobs just aren't there anymore, and someone will have to pay the bill eventually for all of this free stuff. Unfortunately, they are going to carry that tax burden longer than you and I will....because its going to take a long time to fix the disaster the days ahead are going to bring upon us.

Thats just my two cents worth, and trust me, I do want to be optimistic, but I am very worried. The stock market offered no reassurance yesterday, but I do have to admit our work has been busier this week than it was last week.