Monday, November 3, 2008

Riots are fears, emotions running too high.

This year's election is indeed unique and different. It has been earmarked from the get go with the possibility of a first woman president, and then replaced with the possibility of the first black president. It has been an election that has been very devisive. Many voters have felt somewhat indifferent and not too particularly fond of either choice. Truthfully, no matter who wins the election, there is an ugly road ahead for them. Quite possibly in the first four years they may do very little to fix the problems we are dealing with simply for the fact that to fix these problems, the changes that will have to take place will come from the pockets of all of the American people. Taxes will have to increase to get out of the mess we are in. Plain and simple.

Whoever wins this election is not going to want to do that so much, because they will lose the popular vote of the people and will have a hard time seeking re-election in 2012. But you know, that is my own personal opinion and as you know - we all have our own personal opinion.

I also have a strong conviction that come Wednesday morning, no matter who has won the election, Wednesday is the day that Americans need to unite as one, climb on the bandwagon together and support the person that has won by popular vote. At that point (well actually in January) they will be our leader and we will then need to follow and support our leader. That is not to say our voices should go unheard, but we still need to support the President, whoever it may be.

Many cities across the united states are preparing for riots Tuesday evening depending on the outcome of the election. The reports I am finding indicate the fear the outbreak will come if Obama would lose. Read this and this . Does this scare anyone besides me? And I am not so sure that it would happen only in Obama would lose, I think emotions are high enough now and people are so divided and passionate about the issue, I think it could happen either way the outcome falls.

These are truly sad and scary times. I so wish the future of our country looked a little more promising, but the writing on the wall indicates its going to take awhile to fix this mess we are in.


Bob G. said...

Being a baby-boomer, I grew up in some scary times, but I can truthfully say that THIS HERE RIGHT NOW has me more worried than having the USSR drop an A-Bomb on my head, or having Russian Missile in Cuba..or even having the nuclear clock move to ONE MINUTE before midnight.

I honestly think that our major cities can devolve all too rapidly, and, at the worst, the local police will be overwhelmed by the numbers, having to call in the nat'l Guard (as I've already seen in SOME cities) to patrol the streets.
WHat's next?
Asking for my "papers"?

Gonna be interesting, that's fir sure.

Good observations.


Editor said...

I wrote about this a little while back: