Tuesday, August 21, 2007

First Day Of School

Whew! All three kids are off to their first day of school. No one missed the bus and its on the same schedule as last year. So all is well on that front.
My daughter is a junior and my son is a freshman so this was his first day of high school. He was very calm, cool and collected. We went shopping for their school supplies last night, and it was $150! Besides the regular supplies they now have to have memory sticks and "scientific" calculators. Geeze o' pete.....
My youngest son is now a big bad third grader! And the big bad third grader had me meet him at school after he rode the bus and go in with him to find his class and meet his new teacher. It does a heart good to still be needed. Now his teacher is going to have a major challenge this year, he has two Koles and and Kolt in his class. hehehe.
I always like it when the kids go back to school, its time to get back into a normal routine and have dinner at a normal time again. In the summer we are all just here and there and everywhere. I have a doctor appointment this afternoon and the kids have an early release from school. My daughter is going to cook dinner tonight and we shopped for all of her ingredients last night....so yay! We are getting back to normal.

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